Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Where is the office located? Or are you virtual?  

Most of my work is done via Zoom, but I offer occasional in-person services in NW Austin.

Where do I park?  

There’s plenty of parking, that will not be an issue (:

What are your office hours?  

9:00 a.m. - 7:00 pm

How long is a typical session?  

50 minutes

What do I do to get started and make an appointment?  

Click the link to contact me via email or phone call.

What is the hourly fee?  


How do I pay?  

Via Square or PayPal.

Do you accept insurance?  

No, but I am happy to provide an invoice you can submit to your insurer.

Can I cancel an appointment?  

Yes. If possible, please allow at least 24 hours notice in advance of a cancellation. While not always possible, in the event of an emergency, illness, or unforeseen circumstances, every effort will be made to make up the missed session within the coming week.

What is a free initial phone consultation?  

Free 20 minute phone consultations are available to help you get a sense of whether or not we are a good fit. 

What is the age range of your clients?  

19 - 80

What can I expect in the first session?  

Our first session is an opportunity 

What is therapy like with you?  

Please click the link to my client testimonials.

How long will I be in therapy?  

You get to choose when you’re full.  When you feel as though you have gone as far as you wish to go, I will support you in transitioning out of therapy.  There is no mandate for how long anyone needs to be in therapy, and there’s no limit to how much therapy can support us on the path of self-actualization. 

Does anyone cry in front of you?  

If they want to. It is my privilege to hold space for crying or any other emotional expression, including joy, fear, or anger.

Do I have to tell you everything?  

Nobody tells their therapist everything, as much as we like to think they do. It may even be a sign of good emotional health - inner boundaries - to withhold something from your therapist until you feel ready to explore that issue. 

Do you offer video or phone sessions?  


How do I know if you are the right therapist for me?  

If you feel safe, seen, and genuinely cared about by any person, your body will signal that with a warm, familiar feeling. That’s your emotional radar giving you information about whether or not to proceed with the person in front of you. 

I’ve never been to therapy or shared personal issues before. I’m used to handling things on my own. Aren’t people who go to therapy weak?  

It takes terrific courage to ask for help, and even more courage to willfully open up and become vulnerable to another person.  It’s also the prerequisite for meaningful connection, which is essential for human survival.

What’s the difference between talking to you or my best friend or family?  

This is comparing apples and oranges: two entirely different things. Using family or friends for therapy is potentially damaging to you and that relationship.  Family and friends are not trained to provide counseling/therapy, therefore may not know when to help you slow down and titrate your feelings. You can easily become overwhelmed when flooding yourself with painful memories, stories, and feelings. A good therapist will help you to slow down and tend to your body signals (heart rate, breathing pattern, nervous system activity) during a session.

Your friend or relative also may become overwhelmed and triggered by their own trauma when listening to you, and in that moment they may try to shut you down or change the subject.  Family and friends often respond to highly emotional sharing by relating to their experience of events, which can take the focus off of you/your needs, instead centering themselves.This may actually be healthy since it’s not the role of a friend or relative to provide therapy for us, and it can be an inappropriate lack of boundaries that allows that dynamic to unfold.  

A good therapist, on the other hand, is firmly established in a role that is 100% dedicated to supporting you where you’re at emotionally.  Speaking with such a professional is a gift you give yourself.  It is a symptom of self-love to allow someone to hold space solely for you and validate your experience in life.  Rather than getting wrapped up in stories about “let me tell you about the time when that happened to me”, the therapist keeps you, your story, your feelings and your goals at the center of the conversation.

How does it work? What do I have to do in sessions?  

You simply show up and do the best you can being present to whatever is going on for you. My role is to hold space for you wherever you’re at in the moment. In the spirit of organicity, we can trust that your healing will unfold in it’s own time. 

Are you a Christian counselor?  

No. I have a deep background in various expressions of spirituality, and am fluent in spiritual and existential dialogue. That said, your spirituality and beliefs are at the center of the therapy, not mine. 

Is our work confidential?  

Absolutely.  Protected by law. 

How long have you been in practice?  

Approximately 30 years.

What are your strengths as a therapist?  

See testimonials.

What do you enjoy about being a therapist?  

I love being a therapist. It’s not a job. It is my vocation.

Have you been in therapy yourself?  

I was trained that in order to be an effective therapist, a therapist has an ethical responsibility to engage in his/her own therapy.  As a practicing clinician, I am always working on myself with another professional.

What is your educational background?  

B.A. in Social Work, Buffalo State College, 1985

M.S.W. from Fordham University, NYC 1987

Certifications & Certificates:

Certified Trauma Practitioner: 2023

PESICertified Experiential Facilitator​​: 2021 Deep Waters Recovery

Certified HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Practitioner: 2022 HeartMath Institute

Clinical Certification in Stress, Anxiety & Emotional Regulation: 2023 HeartMath Institute

Safe & Sound Protocol Trained:  Unyte 2022

Felt-Sense Polyvagal Certificate for Treating Trauma & Addiction: 2023

Polyvagal Institute

Do you prescribe medications?  


What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist?  

A psychiatrist specializes in recognizing the neurological basis for psychiatric disturbances and may treat them pharmaceutically.  A psychiatrist may also provide psychotherapy, but not all do. 

A psychotherapist is a broader category that may include an infinite range of theoretical perspectives and approaches in treating emotional and mental health disorders.

Are you licensed?  

NYS #036984

Texas #108650

Do you take notes?


About Me

We are a therapy practice offering premier therapy services for men across the state of Texas

Licensed Provider

Greg Liotta, LMSW

Texas: 108650

NYS: 036984

Mental Health Therapist in

Austin Tx.

Important Notices

Good Faith Estimate

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Based in Austin, Texas

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